Add quizzes, surveys and assignments
Customize modules within your course with quizzes, surveys, unit assignments and polls. Prevent students accessing future content until certain criteria are met.
Create impressive learning experiences
in 5 minutes or less
Click and add new course modules. Use modules as units or topics within your courses
Move modules and lessons around as you want. Brainstorm your course and adjust the layout as you want.
Plan which lessons will be added under each module.
Upload video and audio content into your course lessons
Attach documents or PDF worksheets to your lessons
Copy, Paste or add beautiful text styles to your lessons
Add student homework to your lessons. Students can submit completed homework for your review.
Customize modules within your course with quizzes, surveys, unit assignments and polls. Prevent students accessing future content until certain criteria are met.
Add a private or public comment section to your courses. Choose whether to publish comments immediately or moderate comments.
You can choose from a range of different styles and layouts for your course.
Select a theme for your course. You can select from a range of pre-designed themes or create your own custom theme.
Choose from a wide range of different fonts and sizes.
Everything from the course dashboard, lessons right through to assignments offers a flexible design experience. Use our in-built editor to create a course the way you want it to look.
Our interactive visual design interface allows you to switch from editing mode to design mode. Within one click see exactly what your students will see within your courses. Engage with the course and view lessons, engage in quizzes and more.
Track students video watchtime and video dropoff rates. Find trends and improve underperforming videos.
Receive feedback directly from students. Respond and review their comments to improve your lessons.
Review overall student progress through your training. Rank lessons based on popularity and completion.
Your students can manage their notes from within their student dashboard. As they watch your lessons, review articles or listen to audio they can take notes then export or review as they like in the future.
Get notified as students place comments or provide course feedback. Moderate comments or respond. Review feedback and improve your course.